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Manuel Dentico

Manuel Dentico, 46 years old, Italian Policeman, is an athletic trainer, athletics instructor, mtb instructor, marathon runner, triathlete and pacer.

He loves sup, taking long trips on his mountain bike, and running marathons all over the world.

Ever since he discovered the BodyID bracelet he never trains without it.

Lukáš Petrusek

Lukáš is a runner suffering from so-called achondroplasia. According to the doctors, he should not have walked, but he showed an incredible will to live. Today, he runs several marathons a year and is a great cross-country skier.

He works with the RunCzech team, which organizes, among others, the Prague Marathon.

As a disabled athlete, wearing BodyID bracelets gives him a sense of security and safety, especially during international races!

He also regularly participates in the Jizera 50 cross-country skiing race and the famous Vasova 90 km run in Sweden.

Sabina Košárková, national BMX champion

Sabča rides BMX, and she's damn good at it.

She is four times national champion, three times European champion and twice world champion!

The idea of our BodyID wristbands made a lot of sense to her, so she didn't hesitate to join us.

Michal Bubilek, winner of the Czech Marathon Cup, Czech Championship of Ultramarathon

Michal is a competitor of Elite category in mtb marathon discipline and a coach of cycling for children and adults.

He is a long-time participant of the Czech mtb marathon top team and an ex-representative of the Czech Republic, participant of several World and European Championships in marathon.

He completes about 25 races per season in the Czech Republic and abroad, often 4-6 hours long, without a mobile phone. So having a BodyID bracelet is almost a must in his case. During the winter months he adds cross-country skiing, skialpping, running, gym, swimming pool....

He is also the winner of the fair play award of the COC, 2018.

Richard Wohanka, MTBO Junior World Champion

Richard is a mountain bike fighter and is also a member of the junior national team. He is also a supporter of BodyID bracelets, which he wears when riding a bike.

In 2020, he had a very ugly bike crash, which fortunately resulted in "only" a serious concussion.

He flew in a rescue helicopter and spent 4 days at Intensive Care Unit in the hospital.

Richard's parents learned of their son's fall as soon as the paramedics arrived and noticed the bracelet.

Dominika Durčáková, bronze world champion in downhill

Dominika says of herself that she can't even imagine life without adrenaline. She is a passionate biker who has had many successes. During her relatively short career, she managed to win various series several times, such as the Moravian-Slovak DH Cup, the Slovak Downhill and Enduro Cup, the Czech Enduro Series, and so on.

Domča is also a big supporter of BodyID bracelets and as she says: "We put on the bracelet just as we always put on our helmet."

Radek Brunner, the most successful Czech at the Spartathlon

Few runners in the Czech Republic can run as far and as fast as Radek Brunner. He scored the victory at the 100 km championship, the 24-hour championship race and the trailed ultramarathon champion within Silva Nortica (103 km).

Spartathlon is an ultramarathon race with a length of 246 kilometers, which always takes place in September runs in Greece between Athens and Sparta.

Radek Brunner finished second in this race, which he did for the third time.

Radek always wears a BodyID bracelet during his races, which he has connected with his BodyID Medical Profile.

Maylow silver, Jetsurf and flyboard

Milan Svojsik alias Maylow Silver is an enthusiast of freestyle sports, such as skateboarding, mountain biking, motocross, parkour and especially Jetsurf. He is the best in our country in Jetsurf and flyboard disciplines !

Even Milan does not forget his safety and is a proud wearer of our bracelets!

František Žilák, biker and two-time national champion

Franta is a lover of enduro, ie mountain bikes and a downhill. He has been cycling for almost 30 years and has won several titles during that time. One of the most important is definitely the twice-won sprint national title in enduro.

Franta often goes to extreme races in countries such as Chile or Switzerland and definitely does not forget about his safety when racing. In addition to the helmet and protectors, he always wears a BodyID bracelet.

František Bulava, legendary veteran of the Xterra triathlons

You don't meet runners like Franta Bulava every day. Even at his age (1966), this guy beats even young field triathlon racers.

Franta probably has a gift for running.

He won the Xterra World Cup seven times, ten times he became the Czech field duathlon and triathlon champion and six times the overall winner of the Czech Cup in the men's category 40-49 and later 50-59. He even became the "most successful athlete in Beroun 2016"! It shows that even after the age of 50, you can do sports at a decent level and give interesting sports performances.

Sometimes you can meet him in the Chýňská tavern, for a beer, and calmly talk to him not only about triathlon.

The bracelet is his mandatory equipment, especially during training.

Tomáš Maršálek, biker

Tomas is a passionate biker who travels around Europe on his machine. One of his last rides was around the whole Balkans!

He always wears a BodyID bracelet for each of his trips.

Jan Smolucha, rescuer

Honza himself says: "As a paramedic, I can only recommend the Body ID bracelet. I have it myself. During those years of practice at the emergency medical service, it was often difficult to find the patient's identity, not to mention a personal medical history or allergies."

Honza is also a first aid trainer and often provides first aid at various events, especially sports.


Paramedics most often recommend our bracelets to other people around them. Especially those who have health ailments and allergies. In case of unconsciousness or when the patient cannot speak, the bracelet can significantly speed up the time for rescuers if diseases and allergies are indicated on the bracelet. The time saved can often be crucial.

And so it is no wonder that rescuers are one of the biggest supporters of BodyID bracelets and their loyal wearers.


Not a single police officer wears BodyID bracelets anymore. In fact, there are already a lot of them.

Few people have as demanding and unpredictable work as they do. In addition, they know well from practice what can happen to a person in emergency situation, and sometimes little things decide.

Help and protect, just as BodyID does.