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An allergy is an exaggerated reaction of the immune system to certain substances (allergens) that enter our body and that we normally encounter in the environment.

An allergic reaction can be caused by incorrect activation of antibodies from the group of immunoglobulin E (IgE) due to the allergen in question. The severity of an allergic reaction can vary – while some people experience mild symptoms, others can face life-threatening conditions within minutes.


1) Skin itching, rashes, eczema;

2) Swelling of the face, lips or throat - swelling of the nasal mucosa;

3) Breathing difficulties;

4) Vomiting, diarrhea;

5) Anaphylactic shock, which is a life-threatening condition where an allergic reaction occurs quickly that requires immediate medical attention.



Pollen, dust mites or animal dander can trigger asthma, hay fever and other respiratory problems.


They are among the most common allergens and cause problems mainly in spring and summer, when plants bloom and pollen is spread through the air. People can be allergic to different types of pollen, including pollen from grasses, cereals, shrubs or trees. In contrast, flower pollens (with the exception of dandelions) usually do not cause allergic reactions.

Dust and mites

Another very widespread allergen is dust and dust mites, which are an integral part of it. These tiny inhabitants are mainly found in mattresses, sheets, carpets and curtains. They thrive mainly in environments with higher humidity and insufficient ventilation.


Like mites, mold likes damp, poorly ventilated spaces. They like to hide under tiles, in food and on walls.


Pets can also cause allergic reactions. The most common sources of allergens are dogs, cats, but also horses, rabbits and exotic birds. Allergens mainly come from their fur, skin or saliva. In cats, allergens are particularly concentrated in saliva. Also, stings from insects such as bees or wasps can cause serious allergic reactions.


Some drugs, such as penicillin or aspirin, can cause severe allergic reactions.


Finally, there are specific foods whose ingredients can cause an allergic reaction even in small amounts. The most common are milk and milk products, peanuts, fish, seafood, wheat, soy or eggs.


The best protection is prevention. If you know you have an allergy, the key is to avoid allergens as much as possible. However, if this is not possible, these simple tips can help you:

1)Always have the necessary medicines on hand, for example antihistamines or adrenaline injection (EpiPen) in case of anaphylactic shock.

2)Nanofiber bedding and air purifiers are effective against dust and mites. It is also recommended to remove items that easily catch dust, such as carpets or curtains.

3) Regular ventilation is essential against mold, especially after showering or cooking. The ideal humidity should be between 30 and 40%. A room hygrometer or air dehumidifier will make it easier to measure and control humidity.

4) Wearing sunglasses or prescription glasses that protect the eyes from pollen will help with pollen allergies. It is also important to observe increased hygiene, for example frequent washing of hands and hair, where pollen can easily settle. At home, it pays to change clothes more often to prevent pollen from entering the interior.



Seasonal allergies only occur during a certain part of the year when different types of pollen are in the air. For example, hay fever can appear as early as March or April, while others only suffer at the end of summer.

Spring allergies: In spring, allergy sufferers can mainly suffer from trees. It starts with hazel, followed by alder, birch or cherry. Other triggers include, for example, canola.

Summer allergies: Allergies to grasses, such as ryegrass, ryegrass, bluegrass, sedge or fescue, usually appear in the summer. Some types of cereals, wormwood or nettle can also cause problems.

Autumn Allergies: In autumn, allergies are often associated with weeds such as ragweed, ragwort, sedge, or gorse.


Year-round allergies are not tied to a specific season and can appear at any time of the year. These include, for example, food allergies, allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis or eczema.

Despite the fact that allergies can be unpleasant and sometimes even dangerous, it is possible to live with them. You just need to be careful and follow the preventive measures that will make your everyday life easier.


1) Quick identification of allergy: In case you get into an emergency situation (such as an allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock), health professionals or people around you will immediately know that you have an allergy. This will allow them to act quickly and provide you with the help you need.

2)Prevention of mistreatment: In the case of an allergy to drugs such as penicillin, it is extremely important for doctors to know what to avoid. Thanks to the bracelet, you can avoid the administration of drugs that could worsen your condition.

3) Peace of mind for family and loved ones: Wearing a BodyID bracelet gives your loved ones the confidence that in the event of an emergency, your allergy will be clearly marked and medical personnel will be able to act immediately. This can be especially crucial for children or the elderly who cannot easily explain their medical condition.

4) Style and comfort: The BodyID bracelet is designed to be comfortable and elegant. You can choose from a variety of styles, which means you can wear it every day without feeling uncomfortable or restricted.

Safety and prevention should be a priority for anyone with allergies – and the BodyID wristband is one of the best ways to do that.